Dear Parent/Guardian,


The Swim England annual membership fees are now due; the fee for 2019 is £12.00 for swimmers under 9 years old on 28th Feb 2019 and £30.00 for all other swimmers. Please could you ensure that you have paid your annual membership by Friday 22nd February.

These fees cover the cost of Swim England membership for all of our swimmers and volunteers. This is a requirement for the Club to take part in competitive swimming and also gives us access to support and resources from Swim England, including a recently awarded grant of over £2,000 to support the development of the Club.

From 1st March 2019 the Club’s monthly membership fees will be increasing. This is the first increase in the monthly fees for many years and is required to ensure that the Club can cover the considerable cost of pool hire as well as pay our new head coach, Nathan Bradford. I hope that you will agree that the fees remain excellent value for the money, they certainly compare favourably with the fees charged by any other Club in the region.

Improvers : £15:00    Equivalent to £3.00/hour if swimming once per week (45 mins)

Juniors : £24.00    Equivalent to £2.40/hour if swimming twice per week (2.5 hours)

Seniors : £29.00    Equivalent to £1.61/hour if swimming three times per week (4.5 hours

NB. Additional sessions are available to Juniors and Seniors.

It makes a huge difference to the volunteers who manage the Clubs money if these payments are made by bank transfer and an even bigger difference if monthly fees are paid by direct debit.

Please make payments for both annual and monthly fees to:

Lloyds Bank PLC – Acc. Name: Ludlow Swimming Club – Acc. No: 00223491 – Sort Cd: 30-95-27

Cheques are acceptable if you prefer not to use bank transfer. In either case a clear reference including Name and Fee being paid is also extremely helpful.

To ensure that we have up to date contact details for all members please could you also return the attached slip either by e mail or by handing it in at the pool.

If you have any questions about Club fees please do not hesitate to contact us.

Payment and Emergency Contact Details form
LSC Annual Subs form Due – 2019